Teaching Staff
Dr. Pruettha Nanakorn
Date Posted : 2022-01-05
School of Civil Engineering and Technology (CET)
Dr. Pruettha Nanakorn
Phone Rangsit
+66-2-986-9009, +66-2-986-9101, +66-2-564-3226
Phone Bangkadi
Phone Extension

Academic Awards

Research Areas

Computational mechanics, Finite element technology, Structural optimization, Design automation.
Research Interests

Automation in Structural Design

Structural design can be classified into several design tasks. These tasks need different degrees of human intuition. Those design tasks that require little human intuition and can be systematically written as algorithms may be easily delegated to computers. In contrast, other design tasks that require a lot of human intuition and do not have clear algorithms cannot be done without designers’ experiences. Although it may seem that some of the heuristic design tasks are not difficult and can be handled quite easily even by engineers, in practice, these easy tasks unfortunately prevent the whole design process from being completely automated. In this research area, artificial intelligence (AI) and other advanced computing technologies will be used to remove these hindrances, created by heuristic design tasks, in order that complete structural design automation can be developed.

Advanced Finite Element Analysis

It can be safely said that the finite element method (FEM) is currently the best method for solving mechanical problems. The method has been continuously developed and its progress is quite noticeable. Nevertheless, the development of FEM has been mainly concentrated on the theoretical part of the method. It is now time to integrate new computing technologies with FEM in order that advanced finite element analysis can be performed with ease. In this research area, advanced computing technologies, such as new programming technologies, artificial intelligence, information technologies, and database technologies, will be used to improve the performance and usability of FEM.

Work Experiences

1996-Present: SIIT
2019-Present: Director, SIIT
2017-2019: Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, SIIT
2014-2017: Assistant Director for Academic Affairs, SIIT
2012-2014: Assistant Director for General Administration, Rangsit Campus, SIIT
2009-2012: Executive Assistant Director for Rangsit Campus, SIIT
2004-2009: Head, School of Civil Engineering and Technology, SIIT
1999-2004: Chairperson, Civil Engineering Program, SIIT
1997-1999: Deputy Chairperson, Civil Engineering Department, SIIT
1994-1996: Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Theses Supervised

Doctoral Theses Supervised
2020 :Vo, Duy. Geometrically nonlinear multi-patch isogeometric analysis of beams: Timoshenko and Euler-Bernoulli beam theories.
2019 :Shakya, Alin. Truss topology optimization with a prescribed maximum number of elements.
2019 :Suttakul, Pana. Effective out-of-plane rigidities and weight efficiency of thin 2D-lattice plates.
2016 :Theerakittayakorn, Kasem. Investigation of effective elastic properties of frame-like periodic cellular solids by strain-energy-based homogenization.
2010 :Nimtawat, Anan. Layout design of beam-slab floors using a genetic algorithm.
2009 :Chaichanasiri, Ekachai. A study on mechanical behavior of bone surrounding a dental implant by finite element contact analysis.
2008 :Soparat, Preecha. Analysis of crack growth in concrete by the element-free Galerkin method.

Master Theses Supervised   
2019 :Chorn, Vithearin. An isogeometric conforming Kirchhoff plate element using rational Bézier basis functions.
2019 :Hou, Phirun. A hybrid particle-swarm-teaching-learning-based algorithm for truss topology optimization.
2019 :Nghi, Duong Huu. Truss topology optimization by a statistical firefly algorithm.
2017 :Vo, Duy. A 2D field-consistent rational Bézier beam element for large displacement analysis.
2016 :Lean, Chantrea. Truss optimization using symbolic finite element solutions.
2015 :Sam, Pisith. Symbolic-numerical object-oriented finite element programming.
2015 :Petprakob, Wasuwat. Beam-slab floor optimization using genetic and particle swarm optimization algorithms.
2010 :Chantarapanich, Nattapon. Determination of the correction angle for the treatment of early state knee osteoarthritis by the high tibial osteotomy.
2009 :Kahatadeniya, Kanchana Suranga. Determination of the critical failure surface for slope stability analysis using ant colony optimization.
2005 :Vu, Long Nhu. A 2D field-consistent beam element for large displacement analysis using the total Lagrangian formulation.
2004 :Nimityongskul, Nont. An ant colony optimization algorithm for sizing optimization of structures.
2003 :Somprasert, Chantima. An object-oriented model for combined implementation of the finite element and meshless methods.
2001 :Thanyakriengkrai, Yupaporn. Neural networks for structural design optimization using genetic algorithms.
2001 :Thitawat, Vasan. Stability and bifurcation analysis of crack patterns in quasi-brittle materials.
2000 :Soparat, Preecha. A mixed finite element formulation for analysis of cracking localization in quasi-brittle materials.
2000 :Meesomklin, Konlakarn. A novel penalty scheme in genetic algorithms for structural design optimization.
1998 :Petcherdchoo, Aruz. Analysis of cracking localization in quasi-brittle materials using the smeared crack approach.

List of Publications

Book Chapters :
  1. Suttakul, P., Fongsamootr, T., Vo, D., Nanakorn, P. Effects of shear deformation of struts in hexagonal lattices on their effective in-plane material properties, Materials Science Forum 2021;1034: 193-198.
  2. Nanakorn, P., Nimtawat, A. Layout design of beam–slab floors by a genetic algorithm, Metaheuristic Applications in Structures and Infrastructures, edited by Amir Hossein Gandomi, Xin-She Yang, Siamak Talatahari, Amir Hossein Alavi, Elsevier, 2013: 147-171.

International Journals:

  1. Vo, D., Li, X., Nanakorn, P., Bui, T.Q. An efficient isogeometric beam formulation for analysis of 2D non-prismatic beams. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids 2021;89 (August 2021): art. no. 104280. [ISI Impact Factor 2021 = TBA, SJR 2021 = TBA]
  2. Vo, D., Nanakorn, P., Bui, T.Q. Geometrically nonlinear multi-patch isogeometric analysis of spatial Euler–Bernoulli beam structures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2021;380 (July 2021): art. no. 113808. [ISI Impact Factor 2021 = TBA, SJR 2021 = TBA]
  3. Vo, D., Borković, A., Nanakorn, P., Bui, T.Q. Dynamic multi-patch isogeometric analysis of planar Euler–Bernoulli beams. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2020;372 (December 2020): art. no. 113435. [ISI Impact Factor 2020 = 6.756, SJR 2020 = Q1]
  4. Vo, D., Nanakorn, P., Bui, T.Q. A total Lagrangian Timoshenko beam formulation for geometrically nonlinear isogeometric analysis of spatial beam structures. Acta Mechanica 2020;231(9) (September 2020): 3673-3701. [ISI Impact Factor 2020 = 2.698, SJR 2020 = Q1]
  5. Vo, D., Nanakorn, P. Geometrically nonlinear multi-patch isogeometric analysis of planar curved Euler–Bernoulli beams. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2020;366 (July 2020): art. no. 113078. [ISI Impact Factor 2020 = 6.756, SJR 2020 = Q1]
  6. Vo, D., Nanakorn, P. A total Lagrangian Timoshenko beam formulation for geometrically nonlinear isogeometric analysis of planar curved beams. Acta Mechanica 2020;231(7) (July 2020): 2827-2847. [ISI Impact Factor 2020 = 2.698, SJR 2020 = Q1]
  7. Suttakul, P., Nanakorn, P., Vo, D. Effective out-of-plane rigidities of 2D lattices with different unit cell topologies. Archive of Applied Mechanics 2019;89(9) (September 2019):1837-1860. [ISI Impact Factor 2019 = 1.374, SJR 2019 = Q2]
  8. Bui, K.A., Sancharoen, P., Tanapornraweekit, G., Tangtermsirikul, S., Nanakorn, P. An evaluation of thermal effects on behavior of a concrete arch dam. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 2019;41(5) (September-October 2019):1059-1068. [SJR 2019 = Q3]
  9. Shakya, A., Nanakorn, P., Petprakob, W. A ground-structure-based representation with an element-removal algorithm for truss topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2018;58(2) (August 2018):657-675. [ISI Impact Factor 2018 = 3.925, SJR 2018 = Q1]
  10. Tunsakul, J., Jongpradist, P., Kim, H.M., Nanakorn, P. Evaluation of rock fracture patterns based on the element-free Galerkin method for stability assessment of a highly pressurized gas storage cavern. Acta Geotechnica 2018;13(4) (August 2018):817-832. [ISI Impact Factor 2018 = 3.247, SJR 2018 = Q1]
  11. Sam, P., Nanakorn, P., Theerakittayakorn, K., Suttakul, P. Closed-form effective elastic constants of frame-like periodic cellular solids by a symbolic object-oriented finite element program. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design 2017;13(3) (September 2017):363-83. [ISI Impact Factor 2017 = 1.896, SJR 2017 = Q1]
  12. Theerakittayakorn, K., Suttakul, P., Sam, P., Nanakorn, P. Design of frame-like periodic solids for isotropic symmetry by member sizing. Journal of Mechanics 2017;33(1) (February 2017):41-54. [ISI Impact Factor 2017 = 1.046, SJR 2017 = Q3]
  13. Theerakittayakorn, K., Nanakorn, P., Sam, P., Suttakul, P. Exact forms of effective elastic properties of frame-like periodic cellular solids. Archive of Applied Mechanics 2016;86(8) (August 2016):1465-1482. [ISI Impact Factor 2016 = 1.490, SJR 2016 = Q1]
  14. Tunsakul, J., Jongpradist, P., Soparat, P., Kongkitkul, W., Nanakorn, P. Analysis of fracture propagation in a rock mass surrounding a tunnel under high internal pressure by the element-free Galerkin method. Computers and Geotechnics 2014;55 (January 2014):78-90. [ISI Impact Factor 2014 = 1.632, SJR 2014 = Q1]
  15. Nimtawat, A., Nanakorn, P. A genetic algorithm for beam–slab layout design of rectilinear floors. Engineering Structures 2010;32(11):3488-3500. [ISI Impact Factor 2010 = 1.363, SJR 2010 = Q1]
  16. Nimtawat, A., Nanakorn, P. Automated layout design of beam-slab floors using a genetic algorithm. Computers and Structures 2009;87(21-22):1308-30. [ISI Impact Factor 2009 = 1.440, SJR 2009 = Q1]
  17. Kahatadeniya, K.S., Nanakorn, P., Neaupane, K.M. Determination of the critical failure surface for slope stability analysis using ant colony optimization. Engineering Geology 2009;108(1-2):133-41. [ISI Impact Factor 2009 = 1.212, SJR 2009 = Q1]
  18. Chantarapanich, N., Nanakorn, P., Chernchujit, B., Sitthiseripratip, K. A finite element study of stress distributions in normal and osteoarthritic knee joints. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 2009;92(Suppl 6):S97-S103. [SJR 2009 = Q3]
  19. Chaichanasiri, E., Nanakorn, P., Tharanon, W., Sloten, J.V. A finite element study of the effect of contact forces between an implant-retained crown and its adjacent teeth on bone stresses. Journal of Mechanics 2009;25(4):441-50. [ISI Impact Factor 2009 = 0.610, SJR 2009 = Q2]
  20. Chaichanasiri, E., Nanakorn, P., Tharanon, W., Sloten, J.V. Finite element analysis of bone around a dental implant supporting a crown with a premature contact. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 2009;92(10):1336-44. [SJR 2009 = Q3]
  21. Soparat, P., Nanakorn, P. Analysis of anchor bolt pullout in concrete by the element-free Galerkin method. Engineering Structures 2008;30(12):3574-86. [ISI Impact Factor 2008 = 1.102, SJR 2008 = Q1]
  22. Soparat, P., Nanakorn, P. Analysis of cohesive crack growth by the element-free Galerkin method. Journal of Mechanics 2008;24(1):45-54. [ISI Impact Factor 2008 = 0.644, SJR 2008 = Q2]
  23. Neaupane, K.M., Nanakorn, P. Coupled heat-deformation-flow analysis for clayey soil. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers 2006;132(4):521-5. [ISI Impact Factor 2006 = 0.646, SJR 2006 = Q1]
  24. Nanakorn, P., Vu, L.N. A 2D field-consistent beam element for large displacement analysis using the total Lagrangian formulation. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2006;42(14-15):1240-7. [ISI Impact Factor 2006 = 0.762, SJR 2006 = Q1]
  25. Nanakorn, P. A two-dimensional beam-column finite element with embedded rotational discontinuities. Computers and Structures 2004;82(9-10):753-62. [ISI Impact Factor 2004 = 0.741, SJR 2004 = Q1]
  26. Nanakorn, P., Meesomklin, K. An adaptive penalty function in genetic algorithms for structural design optimization. Computers and Structures 2001;79(29-30):2527-39. [ISI Impact Factor 2001 = 0.418, SJR 2001 = Q1]
  27. Nanakorn, P., Horii, H., Matsuoka, S. A fracture mechanics-based design method for SFRC tunnel linings. Journal of materials, concrete structures and pavements, Japan Society of Civil Engineers 1996;30(532):221-33.
  28. Nanakorn, P., Horii, H. A fracture-mechanics-based design method for SFRC tunnel linings. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 1996;11(1 SPEC. ISS.):39-43. [ISI Impact Factor 1996 = 0.110]
  29. Nanakorn, P., Horii H. Back analysis of tension-softening relationship of concrete. Journal of materials, concrete structures and pavements, Japan Society of Civil Engineers 1996;32(544):265-75.

International Conferences:

  1. Vo, D, Nanakorn, P. (2021) Large displacement analysis of pinned-fixed circular arches with different rise-to-span ratios using an isogeometric approach. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering;101 (Proceedings of the 16th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 2019 (EASEC16), 3-6 December 2019, Brisbane, Australia):951-960.
  2. Chorn, V., Vo, D., Nanakorn, P. (2021) A total Lagrangian isogeometric Timoshenko beam formulation for large displacement analysis of 2D frames. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering;101 (Proceedings of the 16th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 2019 (EASEC16), 3-6 December 2019, Brisbane, Australia):961-968.
  3. Tripathi, S., Nanakorn, P. (2020) Topology optimization of planar trusses with no crossing and overlapping elements by a firefly algorithm, In Proceedings of the 2020 International Multi-Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology, and Management (IMC-AETM2020), 18-20 November 2020, Pathumthani, Thailand, 153-158.
  4. Hou, P., Nanakorn, P. (2020) Topology optimization of two-dimensional trusses using improved particle swarm optimization. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering;80 (Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture (ICSCEA 2019), 24-26 October 2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam):1219-1228.
  5. Sahachaisaree, S., Sae-ma, P., Nanakorn, P (2020) Two-dimensional truss topology design by reinforcement learning. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering;80 (Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture (ICSCEA 2019), 24-26 October 2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam):1237-1245.
  6. Vo, D., Nanakorn, P., and Bui, T.Q. (2020) Multi-patch geometrically nonlinear isogeometric analysis of spatial beams with additive rotation updates. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering;80 (Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture (ICSCEA 2019), 24-26 October 2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam):1129-1136.
  7. Duong, Nghi H., Vo, Duy, and Nanakorn, Pruettha (2019) Design of two-dimensional trusses by an improved firefly algorithm, In Proceedings of the 12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference (PSSC2019), 9-11 November 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
  8. Shakya, Alin, and Nanakorn, Pruettha (2017) Two-dimensional truss topology optimization with no overlapping elements by multi-population particle swarm optimization. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-15), 11-13 October 2017, Xian, China, 1648-1655.
  9. Suttakul, Pana, and Nanakorn, Pruettha (2017) Effective elastic properties of 2D frame-like periodic solids with different hexagon-based unit-cell configurations. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-15), 11-13 October 2017, Xian, China, 1656-1662.
  10. Vo, Duy, and Nanakorn, Pruettha (2017) Large displacement analysis of 2D beams using field-consistent beam elements with a higher-order axial-displacement interpolation. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-15), 11-13 October 2017, Xian, China, 1672-1678.
  11. Lean, Chantrea, Sam, Pisith, and Nanakorn, Pruettha (2016) Case studies of truss optimization using symbolic finite element solutions. In Proceedings of the 14th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), 6-8 January 2016, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1109-1116.
  12. Sam, Pisith, and Nanakorn, Pruettha (2016) Symbolic finite element programming for treatment of periodic boundary conditions of unit cells of frame-like periodic cellular solids. In Proceedings of the 14th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), 6-8 January 2016, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1183-1190.
  13. Lean, C., Sam, P., and Nanakorn, P. (2015) Advantages of symbolic Hessian matrices in sizing optimization of trusses. In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium in Science and Technology 2015 (ISST 2015), 31 August-2 September 2015, Bangkok, Thailand, 200-205.
  14. Sam, P., Theerakittayakorn, K., and Nanakorn, P. (2014) Symbolic finite element programming for closed-form analysis of unit cells of 2D periodic cellular solids, In Proceedings of the 6th Asia and Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium (YRGS 2014), 31 July–1 August 2014, Pathumthani, Thailand, 15-18.
  15. Nanakorn, P., Petprakob, W., and Naga, V. C. K. (2014) Object-oriented programming for topology optimization of steel truss structures by multi-population particle swarm optimization, In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Steel, Space & Composite Structures, 28-30 May 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, CD-ROM, 275-283.
  16. Theerakittayakorn, K. and Nanakorn, P. (2013) Periodic boundary conditions for unit cells of periodic cellular solids in the determination of effective properties using beam elements, In Proceedings of the 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM13), 8-12 September 2013, Jeju, Korea, CD-ROM, 3738-3748.
  17. Theerakittayakorn, K., Nanakorn, P., Paklacksame, P., Meksang, T., and Wangsittikul, C. (2013) Object-oriented programming for topology design of trusses by a genetic algorithm, In Proceedings of the Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13), 11-13 September 2013, Sapporo, Japan, CD-ROM, 6 p.
  18. Nimtawat, A. and Nanakorn, P. (2011) Simple particle swarm optimization for solving beam-slab layout design problems, In Proceedings of the Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-12), 26-28 January 2011, Hong Kong, China, 8 p.
  19. Chaichanasiri, E., Nanakorn, P., Tharanon, W. and Sloten, J.V. (2010) Simulation of an Occlusal Interference of an Implant Crown, In Proceedings of the 1st TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICoME 2010), 20-22 October 2010, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, CD-Rom, 6 p.
  20. Kahatadeniya, K.S., Nanakorn, P. and Neaupane, K.M. (2008) Ant colony optimization for slope stability analysis, In Proceedings of Geo-Chiangmai 2008: An International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (eds. Aniruth Thongchai, M. Isabel M Pinto, and Chitchai Anantasech), 10-12 December 2008, Chiangmai, Thailand, CI-Premier, 195-202.
  21. Nimtawat, A. and Nanakorn, P. (2008) A genetic algorithm for solving layout design problems of rectilinear floor plans, In Proceedings of the 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-11) (eds. Yeong-Bin Yang, Liang-Jenq Leu, Chuin-Shan Chen, and Po-Chieh Su), 19-21 November 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, National Taiwan University, CD-Rom: ISBN: 978-986-80222-4-9.
  22. Chaichanasiri, E., Nanakorn, P., Tharanon, W. and Vander Sloten, J. (2008) A numerical study on a premature contact of an implant-retained crown, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBME 2008), 10-11 November 2008, Bangkok, Thailand, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), 48-51, CD-Rom.
  23. Nimtawat, A. and Nanakorn, P. (2008) Automated layout design of beam-slab floors, In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM’08) (ed. Chang-Koon Choi), 26-28 May 2008, Jeju, Korea, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology and Korea Association of Computational Mechanics, 415-424, CD-Rom.
  24. Nimtawat, A. and Nanakorn, P. (2008) A genetic algorithm for beam-slab layout design, In Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering (ANSCSE 12), 27-29 March 2008, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, 284-289.
  25. Kanok-Nukulchai, W., Wijaya, G. B., Nanakorn, P., Nimtawat, A., Bui, T. T. and Buachart, C. (2006) A finite element method for tsunami propagation, In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia (USMCA 2006) (eds. Yoshitaka Kato, Raktipong Sahamitmongkol), 16-17 November 2006, Phuket, Thailand, 37-45.
  26. Chaichanasiri, E., Nanakorn, P., Tharanon, W. and Vander Sloten, J. (2006) A numerical study of bone stress distributions around a dental implant: influence of adjacent teeth, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBME 2006) (ed. Jackrit Suthakorn), 8-10 November 2006, Bangkok, Thailand, Mahidol University, 150-152.
  27. Nanakorn, P. and Vu, L.N. (2006) Field-consistent interpolations for a 2D total Lagrangian geometrically nonlinear beam element, In Analytical and Computational Methods, Proceedings of the 10th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10) (eds. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Naveed Anwar, Sunil Munasinghe), 3-5 August 2006, Bangkok, Thailand, Asian Institute of Technology, 107-112.
  28. Neaupane, K., Nanakorn, P., Sirayapivat, O. and Kanborirak, S. (2005) Effects of temperature on 1-D consolidation characteristics of clayey soil, In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (16ICSMGE), 12-16 September 2005, Osaka, Japan, Millpress, 417-420.
  29. Nanakorn, P. and Nimityongskul, N. (2004) An ant colony optimization approach for combinatorial optimization of structures, In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM’04) (eds. Chang-Koon Choi, Sun-Hoon Kim, Hyo-Gyong Kwak), 2-4 September 2004, Seoul, Korea, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, 216-232.
  30. Nanakorn, P. and Somprasert, C. (2003) An object-oriented model for combined implementation of the finite element and meshless methods. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMESC IX) (eds. V.P. Iu, L.N. Lamas, Y.-P. Li, and K.M. Mok), 25-28 November 2003, Macao, China, A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, 581-588.
  31. Nanakorn, P. and Thitawat, V. (2001) Analysis of cracking localization by the smeared crack approach: the four-point bending problem, in Proceedings of the Eight East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, CD Rom: ISBN: 981-04-5744-8.
  32. Nanakorn, P. and Thanyakriengkrai, Y. (2001) Neural networks in genetic algorithms for structural design optimization, in Proceedings of the Eight East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, CD Rom: ISBN: 981-04-5744-8.
  33. Nanakorn, P. and Soparat, P. (2000) A mixed finite element formulation for analysis of cracking localization in quasi-brittle materials, in Proceedings of European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering: ECCOMAS 2000, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, CD Rom: ISBN: 84-89925-70-4.
  34. Nanakorn, P. and Meesomklin, K. (2000) An adaptive penalty function in genetic algorithms for structural design optimization, Proceedings of European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering: ECCOMAS 2000, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, CD Rom: ISBN: 84-89925-70-4.
  35. Chaisomphob, T., Lertsima, C. and Nanakorn, P. (1999) Some comments on current design practice of multi-girder steel bridges under vehicle loads in Thailand, in Proceedings of the Seventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (eds. Hajime Okamura and Hiroshi Shima), Vol. 1, Kochi University of Technology, Kochi, 513-518.
  36. Nanakorn, P., Chaisomphob, T. and Warnitchai, P. (1999) Fatigue evaluation of steel bridges by measurement data and finite element analysis, in Proceedings of the Seventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (eds. Hajime Okamura and Hiroshi Shima), Vol. 1, Kochi University of Technology, Kochi, 201-206.
  37. Petcherdchoo, A., Nanakorn, P. and Kittiwattanachai, N. (1999) A smeared crack finite element for analysis of cracking localization, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (eds Chang-Koon Choi and William C. Schnobrich), Vol. 1, Techo-Press, Taejon, 399-404.
  38. Nanakorn, P. and Petcherdchoo, A. (1999) Analysis of cracking localization using the smeared crack approach, in International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) Report, Vol. 80, IABSE, Phuket, 241-246.
  39. Nanakorn, P. (1998) Roles of Thai government in earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation, in Proceedings of the 1st Asia-Pacific Workshop on Research Coalition for Urban Earthquake Disaster Management, Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research Center and Science and Technology Agency, Japan, 119-123.
  40. Nanakorn, P. (1998) Shape functions for a finite element with an embedded circular void, in Structural Engineering and Construction: Tradition, Present and Future, Proceedings of the Sixth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (eds. Yeong-Bin Yang and Liang-Jenq Leu), Vol. 1, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 219-224.
  41. Nanakorn, P. and Horii, H. (1996) A fracture mechanics-based design method for SFRC tunnel linings, in Materials for the New Millennium, Proceedings of the Fourth Materials Engineering Conference (ed. K. P. Chong), Vol. 1, ASCE, 819-828.
  42. Nanakorn, P. and Horii, H. (1996) Back analysis of tension-softening relationship, in Proceedings of the Third Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics (ed. C. Choi, C. Yun and D. Lee), Vol. 1, Techno-Press, 389-394.
  43. Horii, H., Nanakorn, P. and Kabele, P. (1995) Application of fracture mechanics to design of SFRC tunnel linings and development of strain-hardening cementitious composites, in Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Proceedings FRAMCOS-2 (ed. Folker H. Wittmann), AEDIFICATIO, Germany, 1345-1360.
  44. Nanakorn, P. and Horii, H. (1995) A finite element with embedded displacement discontinuity, in Building for the 21st Century, Proceedings of the Fifth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (ed. Y.C. Loo), Vol. 1, Giffith University (Gold Coast Campus), Australia, 33-38.
  45. Nanakorn, P. and Horii, H. (1995) A fracture mechanics-based design method for SFRC tunnel lining, in Proceedings of the South East Asian Symposium on Tunnelling and Underground Space Development, Japan Tunnelling Association, 71-78.
  46. Kanok-Nukulchai, W. and Nanakorn, P. (1994) A generic finite element for large-displacement thin-walled structures, in Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Computational Mechanics Extended Abstracts, Vol. II, International Association for Computational Mechanics, 1293-1294.
  47. Horii, H. and Nanakorn, P. (1993) Fracture mechanics based design of SFRC tunnel lining, in Size Effect in Concrete Structures (ed. H. Mihashi, H. Okamura and Z.P. Bazant), E&FN Spon, London, 429-440.
  48. Kanok-Nukulchai, W. and Nanakorn, P. (1991) An efficient degenerate element for large deformation analysis of thin-walled structures, in Computational Mechanics (eds. Y.K. Cheung, J.H.W Lee and A.Y.T. Leung), A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, 475-480.

National Conferences:

  1. Kanok-Nukulchai, W., Nanakorn, P., Nimtawat, A., Buachart, C. and Bui, T. T. (2008) Finite element modelling of tsunami propagation on the west coast of Thailand, in Proceedings of the 13th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 14-16 May 2008, Pattaya, Thailand, The Engineering Institute of Thailand, WRE-004, CD Rom.
  2. Nimtawat, A. and Nanakorn, P. (2008) Design automation for beam-slab layouts, in Proceedings of the 13th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 14-16 May 2008, Pattaya, Thailand, The Engineering Institute of Thailand, STR-005, CD Rom.
  3. Nanakorn, P. and Vu, L. N. (2006) A total Lagrangian geometrically nonlinear beam element for 2D large displacement analysis, in Proceedings of the 11th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 20-22 April 2006, Phuket, Thailand, The Engineering Institute of Thailand, STR-051, CD Rom.
  4. Soparat, P. and Nanakorn, P. (2005) Analysis of crack growth in concrete by the element-free Galerkin method, in Proceedings of the Tenth National Convention on Civil Engineering, 2-4 May 2005, Cholburi, Thailand, The Engineering Institute of Thailand, (COM-36)-(COM-40).
  5. Nanakorn, P. (2004) A novel two-dimensional beam-column finite element with multiple inelastic hinges, in Proceedings of the Ninth National Convention on Civil Engineering, 19-21 May 2004, Petchaburi, Thailand, The Engineering Institute of Thailand, (STR-240)-(STR-245).
  6. Nanakorn, P., Meesomklin, K., Nimityongskul, N. and Somprasert, C. (2002) An ant colony optimization algorithm for structural design optimization, In Proceedings of the Eighth National Convention on Civil Engineering, 23-25 October 2002, Khon Kaen, Thailand, The Engineering Institute of Thailand, (STR-416)-(STR-421).
  7. Nanakorn, P. and Soparat, P. (2000) A mixed finite element formulation for analysis of cracking localization in quasi-brittle materials, in Proceedings of the Sixth National Convention on Civil Engineering, The Engineering Institute of Thailand under H.M. the King’s Patronage, (STR-31)-(STR-36).
  8. Nanakorn, P. and Meesomklin, K. (2000) Adaptive penalty functions in genetic algorithms for structural design optimization, in Proceedings of the Sixth National Convention on Civil Engineering, The Engineering Institute of Thailand under H.M. the King’s Patronage, (STR-7)-(STR-18), (Invited Paper).
  9. Nanakorn, P., Meesomklin, K., Srisumran, T., Thitawat, V. and Tanyakreingkrai, Y. (1999) Genetic algorithms for structural design optimization by object-oriented programming technique, in Proceedings of the Fifth National Convention on Civil Engineering, The Engineering Institute of Thailand under H.M. the King’s Patronage, (STR-172)-(STR-179).
  10. Nanakorn, P., Chaisomphob, T. and Warnitchai, P. (1999) Finite element analysis in fatigue evaluation of steel bridges, in Proceedings of the Fifth National Convention on Civil Engineering, The Engineering Institute of Thailand under H.M. the King’s Patronage, (STR-149)-(STR-156).
  11. Nanakorn, P. (1997) Analysis of problems involving material nonlinearity by the equivalent inclusion method, in Proceedings of the Fourth National Convention on Civil Engineering, The Engineering Institute of Thailand under H.M. the King’s Patronage, (STR 9-1)-(STR 9-6).
  12. Nanakorn, P. and Horii, H. (1996) An efficient finite element for problems involving displacement discontinuity, in Proceedings of the Third National Convention on Civil Engineering, The Engineering Institute of Thailand under H.M. the King’s Patronage, STR15/1-STR15/9.
  13. Nanakorn, P. and Horii, H. (1994) A fracture mechanics-based design method for SFRC tunnel lining, in Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of JSCE.
  14. Nanakorn, P. and Horii, H. (1993) Back analysis of tension softening relationship, in Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of JSCE.

National Journals:

  1. Soparat, P., Nanakorn, P. Modeling of cohesive cracks in the element-free Galerkin method. Research and development journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand 2006;17(4):1-11.
  2. Nanakorn, P., Vu, L.N. A 2D Euler-Bernoulli beam element for large displacement analysis. Research and development journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand 2006;17(2):39-48.
  3. Nanakorn, P., Somprasert, C. A program design for combined implementation of the finite element and meshless methods by object-oriented modeling. Research and development journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand 2003;14(4):21-33.
  4. Nanakorn, P., Meesomklin, K., Somprasert, C., Nimityongskul, N. Sizing optimization of structures by an ant colony optimization algorithm. Research and development journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand 2003;14(1):8-18.
  5. Nanakorn, P., Thanyakriengkrai, Y. Artificial neural networks for evaluation of constraint violation in structural optimization by genetic algorithms. Research and development journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand 2002;13(2):6-17.
  6. Nanakorn, P., Thitawat, V. Cracking localization analysis using a specially treated smeared crack finite element model with energy consideration. Research and development journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand 2001;12(3):11-20.
  7. Nanakorn, P., Soparat, P. Finite element analysis of cracking localization: The smeared crack approach with a mixed formulation. Thammasat international journal of science and technology 2000;5(3):28-39.
  8. Nanakorn, P., Petcherdchoo, A., Kittiwattanchai, N. Analysis of cracking localization using the smeared crack approach. Research and development journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand 2000;11(4):1-9.
  9. Nanakorn, P., Meesomklin, K. A novel penalty scheme in genetic algorithms for structural design optimization. ASEAN journal on science and technology for development 2000;17(2):17-30.
  10. Nanakorn, P. Finite element analysis of problems involving material nonlinearity by the equivalent inclusion method. Research and development journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand 2000;11(1):20-9.
  11. Nanakorn, P., Horii, H. A fracture mechanics-based design method for the estimation of the sectional capacity of SFRC tunnel linings. Journal of the Graduate School and Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo (B) 1996;XLIII(4):365-95.

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