Dr. Chawalit Jeenanunta (Associate Professor)
Date Posted : 2022-01-06
School of Management Technology (MT)
Dr. Chawalit Jeenanunta (Associate Professor)
Deputy Director for Administration
+66-2-501-3505~20 ext 6000
- B.S. in Computer Science, University of Maryland, USA
- B.S. in Mathematics, University of Maryland, USA
- M.S. in Management Science, University of Maryland, USA
- Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Academic Awards
Development and Promotion of Science and Technology Talents Project (DPST) Scholarship, 1990-2004.
Research Areas
Linear programming, Integer programming, Network optimization, Simulation, Supply chain management.
Research Interests
Large-Scale Simulation and Optimization
Many problems in the real world are large and complex. Researchers in this field are trying to improve the algorithm and utilize available computational technology such as parallelism or grid computing to solve such problems where their resulting models are also very large. This technology also enables researchers to have a detail model which is close to the real world problem. Some examples of these problems are transportation problem in the urban area (where there consists of millions of people driving on thousands of streets), financial simulation, bioinformatics, and large-scale planning.
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
The researches in SCM involve the study of the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the operations of the supply chain with the purpose of reducing cost and increasing efficiency. SCM includes all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from origin to consumption. There are many problems that can be modeled by simulation and optimization models.
Work Experiences
- 2004-Present: SIIT
- 2005-2006: Consultant, Thailand Airport Ground Services, Thailand
- 2003-2004: Teaching Assistant for higher education program, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, VA
- 2001-2004: Research Assistant, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, VA
- 1999-2000: Consultant, Lampshade Company, NJ
- 1998-1999: Consultant, Otis Elevator, NY.
List of Publications
Journal Papers
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, K. Darshana Abeyrathna, "Neural Network with Genetic Algorithm for Forecasting Short-Term Electricity Load Demand", International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijetp), Submitted on 2 March 2017
- Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Van-Nam Huynh, Kalaya Udomvitid, "Can collaborative relationships stimulate innovation capability and improve performance in the hospitality industry?:, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, submitted 29 July 2016
- Nuchjarin Intalar, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Nattharika Rittippant, Pornpimol Chongphaisal, Somrote Komolavanij, "The role of quality control circles on new product development: a case study of Thailand", Quality Management Journal, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2018, pp. 129-141.
- Apirath Phusittrakool, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Passakon Prathombutr, "Effects of predictive horizon on network performance under short-term predictive information", IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, March 2018, pp. 113-119.
- Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Van-Nam Huynh and Chawalit Jeenanunta, Developing evaluation criteria for partner selection in tourism supply chain networks, International Journal of Knowledge and System Science, IGI Global, Volume 8, No. 1, Page 39-52 (January-March 2017)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Nattharika Rittippant, Pornpimol Chongphaisal, Ryoju Hamada, Nuchjarin Intalar, Kimseng Tieng, Kwanchanok Chumnumporn, "Human resource development for technological capabilities upgrading and innovation in production networks: a case study in Thailand", Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, Volume 25, No. 2, Page 330-344 (2017)
- Yasushi Ueki, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Tomohiro Machikita, Masatsugu Tsuji, Does safety-oriented corporate social responsibility promote innovation in the Thai trucking industry?, Journal of Business Research, Volume 69, No. 11, Page 5371–5376 (2016) Full text
- Nuchjarin Intalar, Apirath Phusittrakool, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Aussadavut Dumrongsiri , Pisal Yenradee, A Multi-Objective Unit Commitment Model for Setting Carbon Tax to Reduce CO2 Emission: Thailand's Electricity Generation Case, Journal of Environment Asia, Volume 8 No. 2 Page 9-17 (2015) Full text
- Varis Limlawan, Boontariga Kasemsontitum, Chawalit Jeenanunta, A hybrid particle swarm optimization and an improved heuristic algorithm for an airline crew rostering problem, Journal ScienceAsia, ScienceAsia 40 No 6 (December 2014): 456-462 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2014.40.456, ISSN 1513-1874
- Imran Ahmad, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Application of Support Vector Classification Algorithms for the Prediction of Quality Level of Frozen Shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) Suitable for Sensor Based Time-Temperature Monitoring, An International Journal Food and Bioprocess Technology, Volume 8, Issue 1 (2015), Page 134-147 ISSN: 1935-5130 (Impact Factor 4.7)
- Imran Ahmad, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Pisit Chanvarasuth and Somrote Komolavanij, Prediction of Physical Quality Parameters of Frozen Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) through An Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm Approach, An International Journal Food and Bioprocess Technology, May 2014, Volume 7, Issue 5, pp 1433-1444, ISSN: 1935-5130 (Impact Factor 3.7)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Yasushi Ueki, Thunyalak Visanvetchakij, Supply Chain Collaboration and Firm Performance in the Thai Automotive and Electronics Industries, Global Business Perspectives Journal, December 2013, Volume 1, Issue 4, pp 418-432 ISSN: 2194-0061
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Nattharika Rittippant, Pornpimol Chongphaisal, Apiwan Thumsamisorn, Thunyalak Visanvetchakij, Knowledge transfer of outward FDI by Thai MNEs, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, October 2013, Volume 21, Supplement 1, pp 64–81 (Impact Factor 0.514)
- Imran Ahmad, Chawalit Jeenanunta and Somrote Komolavanij, Characterization of Quality Degradation during Chilled Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Supply Chain, International Food Research Journal, 5 March 2013, Volume 20 Issue 4, pp 1833-1842 (2013), ISSN 22317546
- Suebsak Nanthavanij, Sorawit Yaoyuenyong, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Heuristic Approach to Workforce Scheduling with Combined Safety and Productivity Objective, International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Theory, Applications and Practice, Vol 17, No 4 (2010), pp 319-333.
- Hanif D. Sherali, Antoine G. Hobeika, Chawalit Jeenanunta, An Optimal Constrained Pruning Strategy for Decision Trees, INFORMS Journal on Computing Volume Number 21, Issue 1, page 49-61 (Winter 2009) (Impact Factor 0.97)
- Hanif D. Sherali, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Antoine G. Hobeika, The Approach-dependent, Time-dependent, Label-constrained Shortest Path Problem, Networks Volume 48, Issue 2, page 57-67 (September 2006) ISSN 0028-3045 (Impact Factor 0.609)
National Journal Papers
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, K. Darshana Abeyrathna, M. H. M. R. Shyamali Dilhani, Su Wutyi Hnin, and Pyae Pyae Phyo, Time series outlier detection for short-term electricity load demand forecasting, International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 2, No. 1 (January-June 2018), Page 37-50.
- Chawalit Jeenanunta and Kuruge Darshana Abeyrathna, Combine particle swarm optimization with artificial neural networks for short-term load forecasting, International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 1, No. 1 (January-June 2017), Page 25-30.
- Nuchjarin Intalar, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Nattharika Rittippant, Pornpimol Chongphaisal, Ryoju Hamada, Pisit Chanvarasuth, and Somrote Komolavanij, The relationship between external knowledge and product innovation of manufacturing firms in Thailand, Panyapiwat Journal, Vol.9, Supplementary Issue (December 2017), Page 160-173.
- Phanrajit Havarangsi, Chawalit Jeenanunta, and Akkaranan Pongsathornwiwat, The effects of direct and indirect supply chain collaboration on hospitality service innovation, Panyapiwat Journal, Vol.9, Supplementary Issue (December 2017), page 273-284.
- Supphakorn Sumetthapiwat, Boonyarit Intiyot, and Chawalit Jeenanunta, A Column Generation Technique with Multiple Sub-Problem for 2- Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem, Panyapiwat Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1 (January-April 2017), page 231-241.
- Chawalit Jeenanunta and Nuchjarin Intalar, Open Innovation In Thai Supply Chain, Invited Paper, Panyapiwat Journal Vol.8 No.3 (September-December 2016), page 1-9. Full text
- Tanawat Worawattawechai, Boonyarit Intiyot, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Cuckoo Search Algorithm For The Vehicle Routing Problem With Backhauls And Time Windows, Panyapiwat Journal Vol.8 Supplementary Issue December 2016, page 136-149. Full text
- Kimseng Tieng, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Nattharika Rittippant, Pornpimol Chongphaisal, Yoshiki Hamada, Somrote Komolavanij, The Difference In Impacts Of Supply Chain Capital Structures On Customer And Supplier Collaboration In Manufacturing Firms In Thailand, Panyapiwat Journal Vol.8 Supplementary Issue December 2016, page 121-135. Full text
- Kimseng Tieng, Supphakorn Sumetthapiwat, Aussadavut Dumrongsiri, Chawalit Jeenanunta, "Heuristics for Two-Dimensional Rectangular Guillotine Cutting Stock”, Thailand Statistician Journal, Vol. 14(2) July 2016. Full text
- Narissara Visavanont and Chawalit Jeenanunta, Critical Factors Influencing Innovation in Thai Hospitals. Nida Development Journal, Volume 54, Number 2 2014 page 231-267.
- Sariya Issrangkura na ayudhya, Prangvipha Doungraksa, Chaleeporn Sereewattanapong, Arisara Pongtanupattana, Nuchjarin Intalar, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Resource Analysis in Emergency Department, Thai VCML, Volume 6, No. 1, June 2013
- Supphakorn Sumethrphiwat, Boonyarit Intiyot, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Column Generation Technique for Crew Rostering Problem with Workload and Earnings Balancing, KMUTT Research and Development Journal, Year 36th, Volume 2, April-June 2013
- Kotchaporn Onsuan, Boonyarit Intiyot, Chawalit Jeenanunta, A Workload-Balance Crossover Operation in a Genetic Algorithm for solving an Airline Crew Rostering Problem, Journal of Engineering, RMUTT Year 10th, Volume 1 (January-June) 2012
- Ekkprawatt Phong-arjarn and Chawalit Jeenanunta, Exploring Supply Chain Collaboration in Thai Major Industries, Naresuan University Journal, Year 19th, Volume 3, September-December 2011.
- Somrote Komolavanij, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Veeris Ammarapala, Masatugu Tsuji, Yasushi Ueki, The Study of Influential Factors for Developing Industrial Agglomeration in Thailand, Panyapiwat Journal, Volume 2, Number 1, page 1-15 (July-December 2010) ISSN 1906-7658.
Conference Papers
- Chayaporn Maitreesorasunte, Jing Tang, Rujira Chaysiri, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Warut Pannakkong, Hashini Vitharana, Parthana Parthanadee, Forecasting self-consumption solar power capacity of industry and business sector in Thailand: a system dynamic model, the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Innovation, Bangkok, Thailand, July 5-6, 2018 (ICEI 2018)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Rujira Chaysiri, Laksmey Thong, Stock price prediction with long short-term memory recurrent neural network, 11th International Conference on Embedded Systems and Intelligent Technology in cooperation with The 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems , Khon Kaen, Thailand, May 7-9, 2018 (ICESIT 2018 and (IC-ICTES 2018)
- Warut Pannakkong, Pakkaporn Saophan, Rujira Chaysiri, Jing Tang, Jirachai Buddhakulsomsiri, Parthana Parthanadee, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Hashini Vitharana, Forecasting solar power for self-consumption of households in Thailand using system dynamics model, 23rd Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 16-20, 2018 (APDSI 2018)
- Fachrizal, Muhammad, Jing Tang, Rujira Chaysiri, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Jirachai Buddhakulsomsiri, Warut Pannakkong, Parthana Parthanadee, Geo-demographic segmentation of residential solar photovoltaic users and non-users in Thailand, 23rd Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 16-20, 2018 (APDSI 2018)
- Violin Kongtarat, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Jirachai Buddhakulsomsiri, Inventory balancing in optimal order-up-to-level systems under power long lead time, 23rd Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 16-20, 2018 (APDSI 2018)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Chamroeun Chhun, Nhu Tran Phuong, Phatthareeya Srisakulpinyo, Thanyatorn Eiatim, Schedule planning using simulation integrated production system, 23rd Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July 16-20, 2018 (APDSI 2018)
- M H M R Shyamali DIlhani, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Effect of Neural Network Structure for Daily Electricity Load Forecasting, 3rd Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, May 29-31, 2017 (MERCon 2017) (http://mercon.mrt.ac.lk/)
- Sukita Kaewpasuk, Bonnyarit Intiyot, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Stochastic Unit Commitment Model for Power System with Renewable Energy, 5th International Electrical Engineering Congress, Pattaya City, Chonburi, Thailand, March 8-10, 2017 (iEECON2017) (www.engineering-rmutt.org/ieecon2017/)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Pyae Pyae Phyo, Deep Neural Network For Short-Term Electricity Load Forecasting, the 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems, 7-9 May 2017 (http://icictes2017.kasetsart.org/index.php) (Sumitted 6 February 2017)
- Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Chawalit Jeenananta, Van-Nam Huynh, Managing knowledge management competency by integrating with collaborative behavior into improving hospitality innovation capability, Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Bankgkok, Thailand, September 19-22, 2016 (ICMIT 2016)
- Tieng, Kimseng, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Nattharika Rittippant, Pornpimol Chongpisal, Ryoju Hamada, The influences of knowledge management on innovation within formal and non-formal R&D manufacturing firms, Thailand, Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Bankgkok, Thailand, September 19-22, 2016 (ICMIT 2016)
- Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Van-Nam Huynh, Thanaruk Theeramunkong, Chawalit Jeenanunta, A Linguistic Partner Evaluation Model in Tourism Supply Chain Networks, Proceedings of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2016, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-29, 2016 (IEEE WCCI)
- Nuchjarin Intalar, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Morrakot Raweewan, Factors Affecting Backhauling Participation of Thai Logistics Service Providers, Proceedings of the International Congress of Logistic and Supply Chain Management Systems 2016, Bali, Indonesia, July 26-29, 2016 (ICLS2016)
- Punyawee Rattayavisid, Gotchagorn Nachom, Panjaporn Simsomboon, Napit Sukunerat,Nuchjarin Intalar, Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Chawalit Jeenanunta, What Could Improve the Number of Accidents and Enhance Performance in Thai Logistics Firms?, International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems 2016, Bali, Indonesia, July 26-29, 2016 (ICLS 2016)
- Tanawat Worawattawechai*, Boonyarit Intiyot, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Heuristic Approach to Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls and Time Windows, International Conference on Applied Statistics 2016, Phuket, Thailand, July 13 – 15, 2016 (ICAS 2016).
- Su Wutyi Hnin, Chawalit Jeenanunta*, Support Vector Regression Model (SVR) for Electricity Daily Load Forecasting in Thailand, International Conference on Applied Statistics 2016, Phuket, Thailand, July 13 - 15, 2016 (ICAS 2016)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta* and K. Darshana Abeyrathna, The Study of Artificial Neural Network Parameters for Electricity Forecasting, International Conference on Applied Statistics 2016, Phuket, Thailand, July 13 – 15, 2016 (ICAS 2016)
- M H M R Shyamali Dilhani, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Daily electric load forecasting: Case of Thailand, The Seventh International Conference of Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems, ICICTES 2016, Bangkok, Thailand, 20-22 March, 2016. (ICICTES-2016)
- Darshana Abeyrathna, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Short-Term Electricity Load Forecasting Using Neural Network, 7th International Conference of Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems, ICICTES 2016, Bangkok, Thailand, March 20-22, 2016 (ICICTES-2016)
- Tomomi Kaneko, Wataru Hase, Ryoju Hamada, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Masahiro Hiji, Interpretation of BASE business games upon i-system, The Fourth Asian Conference on Information Systems, ACIS 2015, Penang, Malaysia, Oct 15-17, 2015 (ACIS 2015)
- Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Van-Nam Huynh, Supply Chain Innovation in Thai Hotel Industry, The Fourth Asian Conference on Information Systems, ACIS 2015, Penang, Malaysia, Oct 15-17, 2015 (ACIS 2015) [Best Paper Award]
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Narongak Pongathornwiwat, Kwanchanok Chumnumporn, Atchara Parsont, Kanisorn Lunsai, and Ramida Piyapaneekul, E-Tail Quality and Brand Loyalty
in Thai Social Commerce, The 2nd Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference 2015, Matsuyama, Japan, Sept 1-3, 2015 (MISNC 2015) - Hiroki Idota, Teruyuki Bunno, Yasushi Ueki, Somrote Komolavanij, Chawalit Jeenanunta, and Masatsugu Tsuji, Product Innovation and ICT Use in Firms of Four ASEAN Economies, The 2nd Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference 2015, Matsuyama, Japan, Sept 1-3, 2015 (MISNC 2015)
- Chanikarn Jeenanupan, Sakpol Chongprawatsakul, Matawee Waiyatip, Thanaset Kongtorain, Nuchjarin Intalar, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Factor Affecting Operational Performance in Logistics Service Providers in Thailand, International Conference on Applied Statistics 2015, Pattaya, Thailand, July 15 – 17, 2015 (ICAS 2015)
- Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat*, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Thanakorn Leelangkura, Sarun Leelaphiwat, Patcharasit Phunpetch and Teerapat Vongpakorn, The Role of Manager’s Knowledge and Experience on Hotel Innovation and Performance, International Conference on Applied Statistics 2015, Pattaya, Thailand, July 15 – 17, 2015 (ICAS 2015)
- Thanaphat Limgitnuwat and Chawalit Jeenanunta, Crew Rostering in Thai Airways Case by Using Greedy Algorithm, International Conference on Applied Statistics 2015, Pattaya, Thailand, July 15 – 17, 2015 (ICAS 2015)
- Kimseng Tieng, Supphakorn Sumetthapiwat, Aussadavut Dumrongsiri, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Heuristics for Two-Dimensional Rectangular Guillotine Cutting Stock, International Conference on Applied Statistics 2015, Pattaya, Thailand, July 15 – 17, 2015 (ICAS 2015) [Best Oral Presentation Award]
- KwanchanokChumnumporn, ChawalitJeenanunta*, NarongakPongathornwiwat, AtcharaParsont, KanisornLunsai, and RamidaPiyapaneekul, Brand Identity and Brand Loyalty in Thai Social Marketing, International Conference on Applied Statistics 2015, Pattaya, Thailand, July 15 – 17, 2015 (ICAS 2015)
- Le Thi Ngoc Lan, Chawalit Jeenanunta*, Nattharika Rittippant, Pornpimol Chongphaisal, Tomohiro Machikita, Yasushi Ueki, Masatsugu Tsuji, The role of driver’s attitude to trucking firm performance, International Conference on Applied Statistics 2015, Pattaya, Thailand, July 15 – 17, 2015 (ICAS 2015)
- Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat; Chawalit Jeenanunta; Thanaruk Theeramunkong; and Van-Nam Huynh, Supply chain collaboration and service innovation in Thai hotel industry. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 3-5 March 2015, pp. 316-321.
- Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Van-Nam Huynh; Thanaruk Theeramunkong, and Chawalit Jeenanunta (2014). An Hybrid Approach to Linguistic Multi-Expert Multi-Attribute Decision Making Problem. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Knowledge and System Sciences (KSS), Hokkaido, Japan, 2014. Published.
- Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Thanaruk Theeramunkong, Hyunh Van-Nam, An Analysis of Major Influential Factors for Innovation in Thai Automotive Industry, The Second Asian Conference on Information Systems, October 31 – November 2, 2013 Phuket, Thailand (ACIS 2013)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Tanawat U-snit, Karnchanit Mana, Sakesan Krongphanich, Suraphan Sanguansilp, The Relationship of Firm’s Characteristics with Innovation in Thai Automotive and Electronics Industries, the fourth international conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, Bangkok, Thailand, October 23 – 25, 2013 (EPPM 2013)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Tanawat U-snit, Karnchanit Mana, Sakesan Krongphanich, Suraphan Sanguansilp, Comparison between Local and Multinational Supply Chain, the fourth international conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, Bangkok, Thailand, October 23 – 25, 2013 (EPPM 2013)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Narissara Visavanont, Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Kittiwin Suksod, Bhanyakhom PutSorn, Sitthichok Thammaruksa, Thongchai Youngrod, An Analysis of Hotel Characteristics and Their Effected on Innovation, the fourth international conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, Bangkok, Thailand, October 23 – 25, 2013 (EPPM 2013)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Narissara Visavanont, Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Kittiwin Suksod, Bhanyakhom PutSorn, Sitthichok Thammaruksa, Thongchai Youngrod, An Correlation Analysis of Major Innovation Factors in Thai Hotel Industry, the fourth international conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, Bangkok, Thailand, October 23 – 25, 2013 (EPPM 2013)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Nuchjarin Intalar, Sariya Issrangkura na ayudhya, Prangvipha Doungraksa, Chaleeporn Sereewattanapong, Arisara Pongtanupattana, Resource Analysis in Emergency Department Using Simulation-based Framework, the fourth international conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, Bangkok, Thailand, October 23 – 25, 2013 (EPPM 2013)
- Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Narissara Visavanont, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Thanaruk Teeramunkong, An Analysis of Major Influential Factors for Hotels’ Innovation: The Case Of Bangkok, Thailand, the fourth international conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, Bangkok, Thailand, October 23 – 25, 2013 (EPPM 2013)
- Pornthipa Ongkunaruk, Chawalit Jeenanunta, A Location-Routing Problem :
The Case Of Distribution Center in the US, the fourth international conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, Bangkok, Thailand, October 23 – 25, 2013 (EPPM 2013) - Chawalit Jeenanunta, Tunwarat Sriuranwat, Worapon Awajinda, Sasiwimon Sasimonthol, Matchalee Jiwattanakul, Sunatta Jaisuetrong, Customer Behavior in Bangkok and Surroundings in Purchasing Skincare Product Online, the fourth international conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, Bangkok, Thailand, October 23 – 25, 2013 (EPPM 2013)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Narongsak Pongsathornwiwat, Rinyarat Keeratipanpakdee, Pancharee Trakulsengratsamee, Walaiphan Sridhammadhouch, Pawarunch Nopsiri, Amornred Tangjitjaroern, Innovation and Local Technological Capacity in Thai Natural Resource-Based Supply Chain, the fourth international conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, Bangkok, Thailand, October 23 – 25, 2013 (EPPM 2013)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Tomohiro Machikita,Yasushi Ueki, Thunyalak Visanvetchakij, Formation of Supply Chain Collaboration and Firm Performance in the Thai Automotive and Electronics Industries, The Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy Annual Conference (GIKA 2013), Faculty of Economics ( University of Valencia ) Av. Dels Tarongers s/n 46022 Valencia, Spain, July 9-11, 2013
- Nuchjarin Intalar, Apirath Phusittrakool, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Unit Commitment In Power Operation Planning and CO2 Emission Constraints Consideration, The First ASIAN Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2012), The First International Workshop on Service Sciences (ACIS-SS 2012), Siem Reap, Cambodia, December 6-8, 2012
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Narissara Visavanont, An Analysis of Influence Factors for Hotels Innovation, the Case Of Greater Bangkok, Thailand, The First ASIAN Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2012), The First International Workshop on Service Sciences (ACIS-SS 2012), Siem Reap, Cambodia, December 6-8, 2012
- Nuchjarin Intalar, Apirath Phusittrakool, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Multiobjective Unit Commitment in Large Scale Power System and Sensitivity Analysis, the 1st International Symposium on Value Chain Management and Logistics, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 22-23, 2012
- Sariya Issrangkura na ayudhya, Prangvipha Doungraksa, Chaleeporn Sereewattanapong, Arisara Pongtanupattana, Nuchjarin Intalar, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Resource Analysis in Emergency Department, the 1st International Symposium on Value Chain Management and Logistics, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 22-23, 2012
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Narissara Visavanont, Kittiwin Suksod,Bhanyakhom PutSorn, Sitthichok Thammaruksa, Thongchai Youngrod, The Case Study of Factors Influencing Innovation in Operating Hotel Business in Thailand, the 1st International Symposium on Value Chain Management and Logistics, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 22-23, 2012
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Thunyalak Visanvetchakij, Tanawat U-snit, Karnchanit Mana, Sakesan Krongphanich, Suraphan Sanguansilp, Supply Chain Collaboration and Innovation in the Automotive and Electronics Industry: The Case Studies in Thailand, the 1st International Symposium on Value Chain Management and Logistics, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 22-23, 2012
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Thunyalak Visanvetchakij, Porpong Shinawatra, Siripith Wichienrat, Sutthida Chirapant,An Analysis of Influential Factors for Innovation and Supply Chain Collaboration: The Case of Thai Automotive and Electronics Industries, The 11th International Conference on Industrial Management, Tokyo, August 29-31, 2012
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Boonyarit Intiyot, Kotchaporn Onsuan, A Workload-Balance Crossover Operation in a Genetic Algorithm for solving an Airline Crew Rostering Problem, The 11th International Conference on Industrial Management, Tokyo, August 29-31, 2012
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Thunyalak Visanvetchakij, Narissara Vsavanont, Tanet Kato, Somrote Komolavanij, Veeris Ammarapala, Yasushi Ueki, An Analysis Of Business Innovation and Supply Chain Collaboration within Greater Bangkok Area, The 11th International Conference on Industrial Management, Tokyo, August 29-31, 2012
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Narissara Visavanont, Jirachai Chooekawong, Krittaphol Singtokul, Sukrit Vutthivorarak, The Case Studies of Innovation in Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand, The 3rd International Conference on Logistics and Transport and The 4th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Kurumba Maldives Resort, Malé, Maldives, December 15-17, 2011
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Thunyalak Visanvetchakij, Porpong Shinawatra, Siripith Wichienrat, Sutthida Chirapant, Supply Chain Collaboration and Innovation of Automotive and Electronics Industry in Developing Countries: The Case of Thailand, The 3rd International Conference on Logistics and Transport and The 4th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Kurumba Maldives Resort, Malé, Maldives, December 15-17, 2011
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Boontariga Kasemsontitum, Tawinan Noichawee, A Multi-commodity Flow Approach for the Aircraft Routing and Maintenance Problem, The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability, Bangkok, Thailand, September 14-17, 2011 (ICQR2011)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Thanyalak Visanvetchakij, Anutree Tavarolit, Siriluck Chanajarunvit, Theeraporn Pothipat, Descriptive Statistic of Major Factors Influencing Innovation in Thai Manufacturing and Service Industries, The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability, Bangkok, Thailand, September 14-17, 2011 (ICQR2011)
- Varis Limlawan, Boontariga Kasemsontitum, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Airline Crew Rostering Problem Using Particle Swarm Optimization, The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability, Bangkok, Thailand, September 14-17, 2011 (ICQR2011)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Boonyarit Intiyot, Wariya Puttapatimok, A Multi-commodity Flow Approach to the Crew Rostering Problem, The 2nd International Conference on Logistics and Transport, Queenstown, New Zealand, December 16 - 18 2010 (ICLT 2010)
- Anwida Prompijit, Apirath Phusittrakool, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Aussadavut Dumrongsiri and Pisal Yenradee, The 10th International Conference on Industrial Management, Beijing, September 16 - 18, 2010 (ICIM 2010)
- Tanet Kato, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Crew Rostering Problem: Case of Thai Domestic Low Cost Airline, The 10th International Conference on Industrial Management, Beijing, September 16 - 18, 2010 (ICIM 2010) [Best Paper Award]
- Ekkprawatt Phong-arjarn, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Thunyalak Visanvetchakij, Thitaphat Thitisomboon, Choodej Chalermchutidet, Supply Chain Collaboration in Thai Major Industries, The 10th International Conference on Industrial Management, Beijing, September 16 - 18, 2010 (ICIM 2010)
- Ekkprawatt Phong-arjarn, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Supply Chain Collaboration: A case study of Thai Textile-Apparel Industry, The 1st International Conference on Logistics and Transport 2009: Innovative Management in Global Logistics and Transport, Chiang Mai, Thailand 17-19 December 2009 (ICLT 2009)
- Ekkprawatt Phong-arjarn, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Kornthip Watcharapanyawong, Suthathip Suanmali, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Measuring Supply Chain Performance in Thai Apparel Industry, The 1st International Conference on Logistics and Transport 2009: Innovative Management in Global Logistics and Transport, Chiang Mai, Thailand 17-19 December 2009 (ICLT 2009)
- Anwida Prompijit, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Aussadavut Dumrongsiri, Somrote Komolavanij and Pisal Yenradee, Optimization Model of Hydro, Thermal Combined Cycle Electricity Generation System for Daily Load Dispatch Scheduling, Proceedings of the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System, Kitakyushu, Japan, 14-16 December 2009 (APIEMS 2009)
- Thitaphat Thitisomboon1, Thunyalak Visanvetchakij, Choodej Chalermchutidet, Ekkprawatt Phong-arjarn, and Chawalit Jeenanunta, Supply Chain Collaboration in Automotive Industry: A Case Study of Toyota (Thailand), the 2009 Academy of International Business SouthEast Asia Regional Conference: Revitalizing the Global Economy: Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Growth, Hong Kong, China 3-5 December 2009 (AIB 2009)
- Apirath Phusittrakool, Natachai Wongchavalidkul, and Chawalit Jeenanunta, TRANSIMS Case Study: Phitsanulok, Thailand, the 10th Intelligent Transportation System Asia Pacific Forum and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, 8-10 July 2009 (ITS AP 2009)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Sorawit Narupiti and Apirath Phusittrakool, Discrete Multi-Mode/Route Choice Algorithm, the 10th Intelligent Transportation System Asia Pacific Forum and Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand, 8-10 July 2009 (ITS AP 2009)
- Suthathip Suanmali, Ekkprawatt Phong-arjarn, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Veeris Ammarapala, and Kornthip Watcharapanyawong, A Study of Business Performance through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Thai Garment Industry, The 5th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems, Seoul, Korea, 2-5 June 2009 (ICLS 2009)
- Anwida Prompijit, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Aussadavut Dumrongsiri, Somrote Komolavanij, and Pisal Yenradee, Optimization Model of Hydro and Thermal Electricity Generation System for Daily Load Dispatch Scheduling, The 5th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems, Seoul, Korea, 2-5 June 2009 (ICLS 2009)
- Suebsak Nanthavanij, Krittika Lertsawat, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Workforce Scheduling for Optimizing Safety and Productivity in Manufacturing Systems, The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems, Kitakyushu, Japan, 16-18 February, 2009 (IML 2009)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Pisal Yenradee, Somrote Komolavanij, Veeris Ammarapala, Optimization Model for Daily Load Dispatch Scheduling Of Electricity Generation System, The 4th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems, Bangkok, THAILAND, 26-28 November, 2008 (ICLS Bangkok 2008)
- Veeris Ammarapala, Pornpimol Chongphaisal, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Somrote Komolvanij, Analysis of Factors Influencing Industrial Agglomeration in Thailand, the 10th International Institute of Industrial and Manufacturing Culture (IMAC) Conference on Regional Innovation System and Manufacturing Culture, Kobe, JAPAN, 15-17 October 2008 (IMAC 2008)
- Anwida Prompijit, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Aussadavut Dumrongsiri, Somrote Komolavanij, Pisal Yenradee, Optimization Model for Daily Load Dispatch Scheduling of Electricity Generation System, the 10th International Institute of Industrial and Manufacturing Culture (IMAC) Conference on Regional Innovation System and Manufacturing Culture, Kobe, JAPAN 15-17 October 2008 (IMAC 2008)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Graphical Layout Technique Tool For Facility Layout, The Ninth International Conference on Industrial Management, Osaka, Japan, 16-18 September, 2008 (ICIM 2008)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Somrote Komolavanij, Veeris Ammarapala, Yasushi Ueki and Masatsugu Tsuji, The Analysis on Technology Transfer, Research and Development, and Innovation in Thailand, The Ninth International Conference on Industrial Management, Osaka, Japan, 16-18 September, 2008 (ICIM 2008)
- Somrote Komolavanij, Masatugu Tsuji, Yasushi Ueki, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Veeris Ammarapala, The Study of Influential Factors for Developing Industrial Agglomeration in Thailand The 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, Brunel University, UK, 9-11 September 2008 (ICMR 2008)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Discrete multimodal choice models through an approach-dependent, cost-associated, time-dependent, label-constrained shortest path algorithm, Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 9-12 December 2007, (APIEMS & CIIE 2007)
- Somrote Komolavanij, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Veeris Ammarapala, The Study of Technology Transferring, Research and Development, and Innovation in Bangkok and Surrounding Areas, Proceeding in International Workshop for the Study of the Relationship between Innovation and Industrial Clusters, pp. 115-137, IDE-JETRO, Chiba, Japan, 13 March, 2007
- Veeris Ammarapala, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Somrote Komolavanij, Analysis on Research and Development, and Innovation in Thailand, Proceeding in International Workshop for the Study of the Relationship between Innovation and Industrial Clusters, pp. 139-167, IDE-JETRO, Chiba, Japan, 13 March, 2007
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Sakib Jalil, Discrete Multi-Mode Choice Model, Proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-20 December 2006 (APIEMS 2006)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Sakib Jalil, Mode Choice Through Shortest Path Algorithm, INFORMS International Conference, Hong Kong, 25-28 June 2006 (INFORMS 2006)
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Jonggol Jarupatrakorn, Wisit Singhsomroje, Thawatchai Onjun, Integrated Large-Scaled Urban Simulation System for The Bangkok Metropolitan Area, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Simulation and Modeling, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-19 January 2005 (SimMod 2005)
National Conference Papers
- Siriwan Chankan, Boonyarit Intiyot, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Genetic Algorithm for Aircraft Routing and Maintenance Scheduling Problem, The 19th Annual Meeting in Mathematics (AMM2014), Thailand, 21 March 2014
- Supphakorn Sumethrphiwat, Boonyarit Intiyot, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Column Generation Technique for Crew Rostering Problem with Workload and Earnings Balancing, OR-Net Conference 2012, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-7 September 2012
- Samila Kirisri, Boonyarit Intiyot, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Column Generation Technique for Crew Pairing Problem, IE Network Conference, Chonburi, Thailand, October 17 - 19 2012
- Kotchaporn Onsuan, Boonyarit Intiyot, Chawalit Jeenanunta, A Workload-Balance Crossover Operation in a Genetic Algorithm for solving an Airline Crew Rostering Problem, IE Network Conference, Chonburi, Thailand, October 20 - 21 2011
- Somrote Komolavanij, Chawalit Jeenanunta and Veeris Ammarapala, Chapter 5 “Innovation Capability of Thailand’s Automotive Industrial Network,” ERIA Research Project Report 2010 No. 9, ”How to Enhance Innovation Capability with Internal and External Sources” Edited by Patarapong Intarakumnerd, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
- Somrote Komolavanij, Chawalit Jeenanunta and Veeris Ammarapala, Chapter 5 “Thai Automotive Industry: Opportunities and Challenges,” ERIA Research Project Report 2009 No. 7-4, ”Fostering Production and Science & Technology Linkages to Stimulate Innovation in ASEAN” Edited by Patarapong Intarakumnerd, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
- ชวลิต จีนอนันต์, เรียนรู้ประวัติเล็กๆ น้อยๆ และประโยชน์ของวิชากราฟ (Graph), นิตยสาร สสวท. นิตยสารยุคใหม่เพื่อการพัฒนาและการเรียนรู้วิทยาศาสตร์ คณิตศาสตร์ และเทคโนโลยี IPST Magazine, ปีที่ 38 ฉบับที่ 164 มกราคม-กุมภาพันธ์ 2553
- Raul Chong, Ian Hakes, Rav Ahuja, “เริ่มต้นกับ ดีบีทู เอ๊กส์เพลส-ซี หนังสือเพื่อชุมชน โดยชุมชน”, ร่วมแปลบทที่ 7, 8 เป็นภาษาไทยกับ IBM Thailand คณะอาจารย์และนักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยในเมืองไทย
- Somrote Komolavanij, Veeris Ammarapala, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Kornthip Watcharapanyawong, Boontariga Kasemsuntithum, Thongpraparn Khajornkham, Textiles Supply Chain Development Handbook, December 2008
- Prof. Dr. Sawasd Tantaratana, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Waree Kongprawechnon, Dr. Chawalit Jeenanunta, Dr. Pornpimol Chongphaisal, Dr. Veeris Ammarapala, Mr. Amnart Khampanit, Mr. Keerati Senpin, Mr. Sittisak Jamnam, Analyses of Industrial Agglomeration, Production Networks and FDI Promotion - the Case Study of Thailand , ERIA Related Joint Research Project Series 2007 No. 23, IDE-JETRO, March 2008
- Somrote Komolavanij, Veeris Ammarapala, Chawalit Jeenanunta, The Analysis on Technology Transferring, Research and Development, and Innovation of Industrial Agglomeration in Thailand, Edited Book, IDE Development Perspective Series, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization, 2007
- “Large-scale Optimization in Action”, OR-Net Conference 2012, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-7 September 2012
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Nattharika Rittippant, Pornpimol Chongpisal and Ryoju Hamada, "Knowledge and technology transfer of outward FDI by Thai multinational enterprises to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Viet Nam" by Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor (Apr-Jun 2016), Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) Full text
- Chawalit Jeenanunta, Imran Ahmad, Getting The Supply Chain Ready Before Risk Becomes Reality, Asia Food Beverage Thailand (AFB), Volume 11 Number 63 Page 46-50, September-October 2013